Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why I Blog

This is truly exciting.  A first!  I'm going to write two blog entries in one day!

While I watched the Seattle Mariners get mauled like Roy Horn of "Siegfried and Roy" by the Detroit Tigers this afternoon (8-2), I started thinking about dogs.

There's only one joke that Jesus is ever reported to have told, and it concerned dogs.

"Why do dogs lick their balls?"  "Because they can."  

Oh really, Jesus?

He obviously never met my dog.  Elroy will be three on July 22.  He's half Pug and half Boston Terrier.

He can't lick his balls.  His body shape doesn't allow it.  He seems not to notice that he is unable to do what most other dogs can do anytime they feel like.  (One doesn't sense that he's bitter about it, at any rate.)

I wonder how the average human male would react if all the other human males could lick their own balls whenever they felt like it, except for him?

Not as well as Elroy, I'd bet.

And, if guys could lick their own balls, I bet there would be a lot fewer males blogging.

Today's Lesson: Start taking yoga lessons to increase your flexibility.

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